Certificate Of Proficiency

Ms. Marziyeh Bahrami

Hereby certify that above mentioned attendee has completed the following course:

Flexography Packaging

Verification number: 170224

According to this letter, it has been confirmed that «Ms. Marziyeh Bahrami» has participated in «Masterclass Flexography Packaging» and has been successfully accepted in this course for 24 hours.

This title has been passed under the supervision of «Alee Art Group» and its tutor «Mr. Arian Jamshidi» and certified by «PrepressDaily Group Turkey».

The following items have been studied in this course:
1- Getting to know the flexo printing machine
2- Skill in troubleshooting the designed file
3- Control file color and dimension for production
4- Getting to know the principles of flexo halftoning
5- Apply trapping and color separation settings in file
6- Control and review of the printed imposition file
7- Familiarity with the lithography and cliche processing
8- Using Adobe software in the preflight and file output
9- Skill in production control in flexo printing process

The certificate is not equal to university degree and it is only an attendance certificate.
This letter is only for confirmation of certificate and its educational provisions and presentation to company managers or employers and has no other value.